If noticeable gaps in your smile have left you feeling uncomfortable or even self-conscious, you are not the only one. Many people are afraid to break into a full smile because of cosmetic imperfections with their teeth. Even teeth that are quite healthy can be characterized by issues that some consider unattractive or unsightly. Those affected by such a circumstance can take heart, however, because there is a fast, convenient, and non-invasive method of addressing these concerns once and for all.
The Facts About Dental Bonding
A frequently-utilized cosmetic dental procedure, bonding is highly useful as a way to camouflage common tooth imperfections including chips, cracks, stains, and gaps. It is a wonderful option for those whose teeth are healthy, but visually problematic. Bonding can be done in one easy appointment, and no recovery period is required. There are no intimidating dental implements necessary, so even those with serious cases of dental phobia can take advantage of this opportunity.
How it Works
The first phase of a dental bonding procedure is for the dentist to take a close look at the damage to the affected tooth and to prep the surface with a good cleaning. Then, the bonding material will be applied and molded to fit. Time will be taken to ensure that the final look is as natural as possible. Finally, the material itself will be hardended with a special tool that uses light to dry the medium.
Bonding for Gapped, Discolored Teeth
The use of dental bonding is ideal for individuals who are dealing with minor tooth gaps that are really nothing more than a cosmetic nuisance. Issues of this nature can often be remedied without the need for aligners, conventional braces, or other forms of orthodontic intervention. For many braces do not represent a feasible option, whether due to financial reasons, age concerns, or any other factor. As such, there is a great demand for a technique that can achieve a similar visual result without the need for time-consuming, costly treatments.
Discolored, chipped, and cracked teeth can also benefit from bonding in many instances. Those wishing for non-invasive, painless approach to dealing with gaps and similar concerns really owe it to themselves to explore the benefits of dental bonding.
Explore the Benefits of Bonding Today
Far too many people simply endure life with a smile that is far from optimal. Gaps, chips, and other unappealing cosmetic dental issues are allowed to linger, often because of nothing more than a lack of knowledge about what is possible with modern dental techniques.
The good news is that with dental bonding, many of the things those same people have long hated about their teeth can be corrected with a time commitment as short as a single in-office appointment. If you are among those who are ready to reclaim your right to a big, bright smile, now is the time to learn more about dental bonding. Contact Memorial City Dentistry today to discover how we can help provide the confidence boost everyone deserves.